I understand the anxiety many of you have concerning the current CODVID-19 situation. I want to keep you informed about TIA’s actions in response to the constantly changing situation. Our focus as always is the safety of you and your families, our community and our continued ability to ensure our operations and your jobs. We are committed to continue operations to the best of our ability while complying with all government and CDC guidance.
Potential COVID-19 Exposure Reports: In order to reduce the possibility of spreading COVID-19 in the workplace we conduct a detailed assessment of the facts when an employee reports possible exposure to someone suspected of having COVID19.
In Morgantown we have dealt with:
- An employee’s friend or relative suspected of having COVID-19 with no confirmed test
- An employee’s household member was diagnosed by medical personnel as probable COVID-19 positive but no confirmation test
We evaluate each situation on a case by case basis according to CDC and State guidance.
We have evaluated six such reports. Four were allowed to work because contact was not close, prolonged or test results were negative. Two employees have been directed to quarantine for 14 days
Cleaning/Disinfecting: (update accordingly)
We have increased hand sanitation stations, Clorox wipes and frequency of cleaning services of plant bathrooms to at least twice a day.
Ordering of additional hand soap, sanitizer, wipes, etc. have been difficult to find in stock. Purchasing is doing their best to keep supplied and finding alternatives.
Pay: This week we are paying the Morgantown employees who cannot report to work because of the Governor’s closing of non-essential businesses. We are evaluating our options after this week. Effective April 2 there is sick time available under the recently passed Families First Coronavirus Recovery Act.
Operations: Morgantown remains closed except for certain employees working to comply with essential business requirements related to our facility and from customers who certify their requirements according with the State order issued in PA.
Some of our customers have been effected by state closures, we are communicating with them to access that impact.
The recent Georgia Governor’s executive order may temporarily impact some internal plant operations. We will assess on a case by case basis.
We are maximizing where possible work from home options and enforcing social distancing of 6 feet.