TIA President’s Message Regarding COVID-19

All Employees,

Here TIA is at the beginning of June successfully battling a pandemic and all the fallout related to it while balancing what’s best for our employees, their families, our company and our community.  I am proud of what we have accomplished and how each of you have risen to the challenge. 

Please stay vigilant to our protocols which I have mentioned numerous times.  Unfortunately, in watching the COVID numbers and infection rates, Georgia is now one of the worst states in the US from an infection rate standpoint.  As a result, I do not feel it is wise at this time to relax our work from home protocol or any other protocols in either facility, GA or PA.  As we continue to be guided by CDC guidelines, the risk is still too great we might introduce infections in the workplace and have to deal with the repercussions (a COVID sick employee, who to send home on 14 day quarantine, how much of the facility to clean and disinfect, etc.). It is imperative that we continue to wear masks/face covers even if we are walking or riding around in the facility. 

At the same time, our country/society is being faced with another huge challenge yet again born out of racism and a blatant disregard for human life.  It is revulsive, disgusting and it breaks my heart.  To be clear, it has no place in our company or our community.  If you want to speak to me about it, please reach out.  I cannot possibly communicate such complex things by email.  I also cannot pretend to know all sides of this or all the answers, but I am willing listen and talk and take necessary actions.  In response to this challenge, I encourage all of us, as we have done with COVID, to do what’s best for our employees, their family, our company and our community.  I ask that we respect every individual (we are all imperfect humans and each has value) and lead with humility (listen and explain why).

